The Actor's Center Master Acting Teacher Training Program
Lincoln Center Aesthetic Education Training
Jazz composition - University of Maine, Augusta
Lehmann Engel-musical comedy
Keith Johnston - Improvisation
The Playhouse-Eagles Mere, Pa.
Plays: "The Miracle Worker", "Crimes of the Heart", "Sylvia", The Matchmaker", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "Dead Man Walking", "Spoon River Anthology", "Our Town" "Elektra."
Musicals: "Nunsense II", "The Wiz", "Grease", "Annie," "Someone Like Me," "Millicent", "All in the Planetary," Once Upon A Mattress", "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown", "eve-olution: a musical odyssey", "el Grande de Coca-Cola"
Drama Coach-Cony High School, Augusta, Maine- 2014-present
Aunt May- "Italian American Reconciliation"
"The Edge of Night"/"All My Children" (under 5's)
Jill''s Professfor: Woody Allen Summer Project film
Harvesttime Food commercial
University of Maine Senior College-Oral History Theatre
The Public Theatre, Lewiston, ME -summer teen acting workshop
Providence Preparatory School- Theatre Director
Lon Morris College- Theatre Director
Ursuline Academy of Dallas- speech, debate, acting teacher
Greek Theatre, Playwriting - Hallowell Gifted & Talented Program
The New Day School, Readfield, ME
University of Maine, Augusta
University of Texas @ Tyler- acting, voice for the actor
The Dallas Theater Center, Dallas, TX-adult acting, voice for the actor
Johnson Hall, Gardiner, Maine
Augusta Area Gifted & Talented Program: Greek Theatre; Playwriting.